Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Review: Did Not Survive by Ann Littlewood

When Iris Oakley finds her boss, Director of the Finley Zoo, damn near dead in the elephant cage, the most likely culprit is her good friend Damrey - who just happens to be an elephant. The police are convinced Damrey did it, as are some of Iris’s fellow employees. But Iris - the only the witness to the event - isn’t sure.  Even if the boss survives, which seems unlikely, the consequences for Damrey will be dire.

Complicating matters are a mob of animal rights protestors, a pair of feuding elephant handlers and a spate of disappearing animals. Meanwhile, Iris has problems of her own. She’s pregnant, and has not yet recovered, personally or professionally, to the murder of her husband in the first book, Night Kill (Yep, you’ll want to read that too). But, being Iris, she can’t leave trouble alone, and is determine to learn the truth - even at the risk of her own life.

Sounds good, eh? But wait, the best is yet to come. Relating this tale is none other than Ann Littlewood, one-time zookeeper and a writer of great wit and grace. Pick up Did Not Survive - or better yet Night Kill AND Did Not Survive - and prepare to be entertained, educated and amused all at once. That’s what happened to me.

Sunday: A few of Ann's zoo photos
Yesterday: A review of Night Kill
Tomorrow & Thursday: Ann tells all (or at least some)!


Charles Gramlich said...

Always blame the elephant. I hear you, man. :)

David Cranmer said...

Sounds like a good one.

Steve Lee said...

Great video!

Richard Prosch said...

These sound like a good time! Thanks for the heads up.