Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Richard Prosch creeped me out . . .

. . . in a good way, with his new story "Stringtown Road" over at BEAT to a PULP. This one involves a girl with Farrah Fawcett hair, a guy with Burt Reynolds shades and chains, and a dark highway duel between a Ford Pinto and a Ford Galaxy. 

I suggest you bop over there (meaning HERE) and let him creep you out, too. 

Mr. Prosch, whose Internet home is HERE, is the author of several fine eBooks and a good number of stories, most set in his own bailiwick, the wild western plains of Missouri. Some of that stuff, like Devils Nest, Branham's Due, Holt County Law and Buffalo Wolves, is set in the Old West, while Meadows Ford Blues is not. Do not fail to check 'em out, HERE!


Charles Gramlich said...

two thumbs up!

Oscar Case said...

I like his stories that I've read!

Richard Prosch said...

Thank you, sir! I see from your photo you've been there...hmmm...?

I actually wrote that while creeped out by an experience straight out of the story.

Thanks to Charles and Oscar too.

David Cranmer said...

Who is that guy in the pic with the cowboy hat?

Evan Lewis said...

That's a young Elmore Leonard.