Monday, August 25, 2014

Cap Gun Monday: THE REBEL'S SCATTERGUN (in the box)

I was planning to show you Johnny Yuma's Scattergun this week, but shucks, I got so carried away with pictures that I reckon I'll have to split this into two parts. Sorry to keep you in suspense, but next week, I promise, I'll show it to you out of the box.

On a complex scale considering both scarcity and desirability, the Scattergun is just about the most valuable cap gun of all time. I've only seen one offered for sale. Ever. And thankfully, I bought it. It was so long ago I can't remember where I got or how much I paid, but I'm glad I didn't miss my chance.

This gun was made by Classy Products, an outfit that made a lot of cheap-looking Roy Rogers pistols. This one, which doesn't look cheap at all, has a lot of fragile plastic. And I'm guessing it wasn't as well distributed as guns made by some of the major companies, hence the rarity 

Lots more Cap Guns HERE.


Cap'n Bob said...

Hell of a coup, but I have a hard time believing that someone with your memory forgot what he paid for it.

Evan Lewis said...

Me too, but it's a blank. I don't even remember buying it.

Rick said...

I'm glad to hear others have such blanks in their memory vault.
Nice buy by the way.

Anonymous said...

You must have purchased it in the 60's... as they say, "If you remember the 60's, you weren't there." ~ Fleet Commander Johnson PWITCC, rtrd

Rick Robinson said...

Wow, two rolls of caps at once. A kid would have to have a pretty hefty allowance to be able to buy enough caps to fire that thing off very often!

Oscar Case said...

I've never even heard of this one let alone owning one. I hope you keep it well oiled.

Cap'n Bob said...

I think a roll of caps was only about a penny back in the day.

Anonymous said...

I saw this toy for sale at the Picadilly monthly antique show at the west palm beach fairgrounds last winter. wanted big money even though it had been abused and played with. I remember that was a great show that coincided with the 100th anniversary of the Civil War

Anonymous said...

I have one never opened not even the display window