Saturday, May 5, 2012

ACTION: Pulse Pounding Tales, Vol. 1 !!!

Remember the great paperback pulp heroes of the '70s? I sure do. I loved every one of Don Pendleton's Executioner books, and never got enough of Sapir & Murphy's Remo Williams, The Destroyer. And those guys were just the leaders of the pack. It was a great time for action-adventure fiction.

So when Matt Hilton called for a revival of that hallowed tradition, my blood started pumping, and next thing I knew I was writing a pirate adventure called "The Judgment of Jean Lafitte." And I wasn't the only one so affected. Dozens of other folks answered the call, and the result is this brand spanking new eBook anthology.

ACTION: Pulse Pounding Tales Vol. 1 is a whopper of a collection, packed with 37 short stories featuring, in Matt's words, "secret agents, vigilantes (both just and insane), cops, villains, soldiers, veterans, gangsters, swordsmen, privateers, Ninja and even a crypto-zoological beast you might recognise."

I just got this sucker loaded onto my Kindle, and I'm raring to get started. And you can too, because it's now available from Amazon (HERE) and Amazon UK (HERE).

Here's what you get:

Introduction by Matt Hilton
Strangers on a Train by Stephen Leather
Satisfaction Guaranteed by Matt Hilton
Valley of Death by I S Paton
The Real Deal by James Oliver Hilton
Jingle Bells by Adrian Magson
Death By License by Joe McCoubrey
The Night Butterflies by Zoë Sharp
Gallance by Col Bury
Battle For Baghlan by Matt Hayden
The Stranger by David Barber
Expiry Date by Gavin Bell
A Most Honorable Death by Jochem Vandersteen
Jack Be Nimble by Steven Savile & Steve Lockley
At Close Range by Ian Graham
Cutter’s Law by James Hopwood
Angel Tough by Absolutely Kate
On Her Majesty’s Bloody Service by Iain Purdie
The Legend of Jimmy-The-Gimp by Keith Gingell
Blood Moon of 1931 by Terrence P. McCauley
Skinner Alive by Daniel Moses Luft
Jobs Taken by Asher Wismer
The Handler by Gavin Hunt
Blood on Their Hands by Les Morris
Issa’s Island Prison by Graham Smith
Eastern Fury by Andrew Scorah
The Liberator by Paul D. Brazill
The Tower of Marnir by Paul Grzegorzek
Bit Part Player by Theresa Derwin
The Judgment of Jean Lafitte by Evan Lewis
Avenged: Sixfold by Natasha Marie Thomas
Man or Mouse by Mark Dark
Stokey by Robin Jarossi
Savage Sun by Richard Godwin
One Flew Over the Policeman’s Bonnet by Pete Sortwell
Born of Woman by Laird Long
Chickens by K.A. Laity
*Bonus Story* Trench Warfare by Matt Hilton

 Let the Pulse Pounding begin!


David Cranmer said...

Nice to see the return of Jean Lafitte.

Charles Gramlich said...

Looks darn good, man.

Chris said...

Just ordered my copy -- looks right up my alley.

Randy Johnson said...

Got mine.

Evan Lewis said...

Thanks guys. Hope you enjoy the adventure of Mr. Lafitte.